The God of war series follows the story of the spartan Kratos who was tricked into killing his wife and child after becoming a servant to the God of war Ares. He was then cursed by a witch to forever wear the ashes and blood of his wife and child as a constant reminder of his sins. From there he persues a path of vengence against the Greek Gods for the pain they have forever caused Kratos to experience. A 2013 trailer for God of War Ascenscion captures this tragedy very well.
The world of God of War is directly that of the world of Greek mythology. All its aspects are a part of God of war with every major God being present to be victims of Kratos' wrath. However most of its interpretation of greek myth is exactly that and may not overlap with the scholarly interpretation of Greek Myth. It further extends mythology by suggesting some sort of connection between all cultural mythologies, with each having their own relm in which their respective Gods rule over. The most recent God of war makes this suggestion as Kratos is now journeying through the World of Norse Mythology while still referencing Kratos's old home of the Greek World.