Fantasy Across Ages, Cultures, & Mediums

fantasy, bitches.

What is the difference between fantasy and Mythology?

Mythology is something that was created over many years during a time before understandings of natural phenomena. It stimmed from religous beliefs and it was these beliefs that formed and shaped stories to explain these phenomena.

Fantasy only formed more recently as a form of speculative thinking of combining elements that we know could not happen. Because of this, fantasy can be a tool to extend mythology beyond its origins to be included in magical and entertaining tales. Fantasy is us understanding that we are projecting our imaginations.

Myth is our imaginations explaining what we are seeing. Modern forms of fiction will often include mythology to create their fantasies and that is what we are exploring.

To discover more about mytholgical creatures and beings, press one of them to the right!

To learn more about fantasy in media, press one of the mediums to the right!


